How much do nannies make?
Nannies make anywhere from $18.00 - $28.00/ hour, depending on the Nannies experience level and education, it also depends on what the Family wants the Nanny to do. Some Nannies get paid Salary instead of an hourly rate.
When should I review the nanny salary?
It depends on the starting salary. Some families review at three months, if the starting salary was low, some at six months and if you started the nanny at a high dollar amount, a year is good.
How much do I increase the salary at the review?
Again it depends on the starting salary. Usually customary is 5 per cent. Don't forget to give bonuses for birthdays, christmas and other special events that are important to your nanny.
Do some families provide Health Insurance?
Yes, some families do. Some will pay all and others will pay a dollar amount toward.
Do you place summer nannies?
Yes, Many usually for the school aged children. The placement for summer nannies is $450.00. The pool is always good. Usually students home from college or teachers.
Will the Nanny work outside the scope of their normal hours?
Be careful! You don't want to burn the nanny out. Go through a reliable babysitting service for nights and weekends.
Will ABC Nannies, Inc. negotiate salary for the nanny?
That is what we are here for!
Questions? Call Us!
(919) 872-3016
ABC Nannies can assist you in finding a nanny that will complement your family’s unique childcare needs.
For your convenience, our nanny application is available as a PDF. The application can be downloaded and may be filled out on-line, printed and then mailed or e-mailed to us.